
About Raymond Hung

Raymond’s career in real estate spans over 25 years beginning well before he migrated to Sydney in the early 90s. Raymond was born and raised in Hong Kong speaking fluent Cantonese and Putonghua (Mandarin). His last job before leaving Hong Kong was to head an industrial and commercial property sales team in a well-known property surveyor/real estate company.

Since 1993 Raymond has been very active in the Sydney property market. Working out of a national real estate franchise in Sydney’s Haymarket area, he was one of the pioneers in selling Australian properties off-the-plan to overseas markets in the 1990s.

Raymond has always been involved in the sale of residential properties but his passion lies in the retail and commercial property sector. In the past 10 years, besides overseeing a residential sales team, Raymond has established himself as one of the major players in selling retail and commercial properties throughout Sydney metropolitan area.

Raymond Hung recent sales